
We believe that our proven track record of successful projects is only half the story. As a community-focused company it’s our responsibility to behave ethically, ensuring the wellbeing of our employees, our sites and our community.

Safety & Compliance

The objective of our Health & Safety program is an incident and injury-free workplace for everyone. Each of our carefully researched policies, procedures, best practices, training and technologies are developed and deployed with one goal in mind – to get everyone home safely at the end of the day.

There are a number of elements contributing to the growth and success of our Health & Safety program. Firstly, Clearway is COR certified. COR is the national safety standard first developed in 1999, and Clearway holds certificate #46, meaning we were among the first to be certified, before it became a requirement.

The second key to our program’s success is the sharing of knowledge across departments. The Clearway team is very close-knit, and cross-department interaction isn’t specific to Health & Safety, but we’re acutely aware of its importance here. Many of our procedures are developed collectively, promoting understanding and easy implementation.

Lastly, our programs are practical. This is another outcome of cross-department knowledge-sharing. At Clearway, Health & Safety policies aren’t developed in a vacuum, they come from on lessons learned in the field. A policy can look good on paper, but it has to translate to the field.

Read our full Health & Safety Policy Statement

Environmental Responsibility

Being community-focused means taking our responsibility to the environment seriously, whether it’s our own backyard or someone else’s. In the office or on site, in Vaughan, the GTA and beyond – we understand that everywhere we operate is someone’s community and should be treated as such. We’re committed to continuous innovation and improvement.

read our full environmental policy statement

Community Involvement

Being community-focused also means giving back. The GTA, and Vaughan specifically, is such an integral part of Clearway’s DNA and success that we feel it’s our responsibility to give something back to the community that’s given us so much.

Clearway is proud to support the following initiatives:
– Cause & Affect’s Champagne & Tacos
– We Love You Connie
– Caritas School of Life
– Sick Kids Foundation
– Hats on For Awareness
– Toronto and Region Conservation Foundation
– Youth Bocce
– United Way Greater Toronto


Clearway has developed a multi-year accessibility plan and we’re committed to continuous improvement.

See Our Full Accessibility Plan


Fighting Against Forced and Child Labour

Clearway is committed to preventing forced and child labour in our supply chains, consistent with the principals of the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act (Bill S-11), also known as the Modern Slavery Act.

Read more about Clearway’s efforts.